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Possible Hernia on Arab Mare

21 9:30:34

We have an Arab mare, close to 20 in age, that has a growth where the top of her left back leg meets her body.  We've been told it possibly could be a hernia.  Have you seen anything like that ?  It's been growing slowly for quite a while and seems to not bother her at all.  She's playful, bucks, eats great, eager, etc...
Thank you for your time helping all of us !

Hi - first off, that sounds more like a tumor, NOT a hernia.  A hernia is protusion of an organ or the muscular wall of an organ through the cavity that normally contains it. There is no such structure on the back of a leg.

I would have a vet take a look at it and possibly biopsy it to see what type of a growth it is.