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21 9:41:51

QUESTION: I am pretty sure that my horse has founder there is heat from around her foot and she limps. I have been doctoring it acording to her vet be she does not seem to be getting better. I have found a product by the name of "RECOVERY EQ" and it has been said to help foundering but if that is the case how long do i give it. The product is found on the internet and sold by some Vets. Can you PLEASE help me we watched her be born on June 13,1998 and she is such a big baby and such a sweet girl please help me if you can  Thank You

ANSWER: Dear Pat, thanks for your question!
Can you please answer some questions for me really quick before I try to give you some advice...
1) what type of horse is she?
2) what parts of the country do you live in
3) what is her weight like? Is she fat, ok, skinny
4) can you send me a current picture of her (you can send to
5) can you send me pictures of her hooves
6) does she have shoes on
7) what EXACTLY is she fed each day - incl. hay, whay kind of hay, grain, supplements....etc.
8) how much turnout does she have
9) what did your vet say you should do, what did the vet do when he saw her and diagnosed founder
10) did the vet take X-rays
11) when did you first discover she was lame, when was the vet out, how long have you been doctoring her without her "getting  better"
12) how bad is her lameness? is she limping a lot, a little?
13) is she lame on BOTH front feet or only one?

Please let me know right away. I would not spend any money on this product...I'll let you know why after get this addl. info.

Thanks much!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Madison is a Saddle horse. I live in Tennessee. She is a little over weight.Yes I can send Pictures. Yes she does have shoes on. She was on pasture grass. As far as TurnOut I am not sure but I can take a picture of her hoof and send it.The Vet said to put her up at night and give her 2grams of Bute 2x per day for 3 days and then 1 gram 2x per day
for 3 days. Then put some type of black tar looking stuff on her left hoof and then wrap,along with anitbiotics once a day. Turn her out in the heat of the day so that she will not eat so much because she will be to busey swating flies and trying to stay cool. Then bring her back this Saturday if she is still limping and she IS.. NO .. No x-xays were taken. We brought Madison to the ver Satyrday Aug 23. .. About 3 weeks ago now. We thought she might have twisted her foot a little because she stopped limping for a while then she started back up limping about 1 week ago then took her to vet. This morning she was limping quite alot but then my son said she seemed to be not limping as bad as this morning.. Just the LEFT foot. Last Saturday the Vet did not diagnosed as founder she said that there was no heat about her foot and that the digital pusle was good. But this morning there was heat coming from her left foot. I can send pictures tomorrow Friday Aug 29, 2008.. But the Vet is concerned about the red rings that I described on the bottom of her FEET.The rings were on all 4 feet..

Hello Pat, just checking to see whether you will send pictures or whether the issue with your horse had gotten better. From what you described, her problem sounded like an abscess to me, but not knowing what she looks like and what her feet look like makes it difficult to advise for sure.
Especially these red rings you describe, I would be very interested in seeing a pic of these.

Let me know!

Thanks much,