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Need a little help

21 10:03:51

i clean out stalls at a barn of a friend of my mother's and she has a mini that she bought to keep her other horse , warlock, company after her other horse died. She is rather young i can't remember , but about 2 or 3. and she bites people, is hard to catch, and doesn't REALLY like leading, although she's gotten better at that. Her owner is against hitting her. what sort of things can i do to train her better?

It's hard for me to recomend training advice until I see the horse- but she sounds like many of the horses I have in for training.  I suggest using the Parelli (, they also have advice in Horse Illustrated magazine) method with her.  Her owner is right- don't hit her- as this will only make things worse.  
Don't force her into behaving- let her know that you are dominant and her leader by standing tall and don't give into what she wants.  Give her lots of attention, and treats (out of a bucket so she doesn't learn to bite you looking for food) and she'll eventually look forward to seeing you!
Good Luck with her!