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4 month Colt

21 9:31:05

My Colt mostly keeps his penis extended, is this normal?
Also I have notices tissue tags on his penis, is this normal?
Is there something I can do about the tissue tags, they are small, but Im not sure they should be there.  Please advise.
Thank you

Jan Harke

Dear Jan,
Your foal is still pretty young- but I would suggest that it is not common for a colt to be dropped most of the time. Since he appears to be capable of retraction- I would doubt that there is some form of nerve damage (which can be temporary or permanent)but should have him checked by your vet nonetheless. As for what you describe as "tissue tags" you might want to have him checked for warts- not uncommon in foals.
I wish i could offer you more concrete advice but I think you will find greater peac of mund by receiving a professional veterinary opinion.
S. Evans