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Why does my horse squeal

21 9:55:07

I have a nine year old mare. i have owned her for a little over a year now. When I first got her she squealed when ever I asked her to do any thing or if I touched her. She got better latter on as I moved her to a new place and started working with her.  I am doing natural horseman ship and she is having a great time. I now am at college and recently she has started her squealing up again and striking out with her back leg. I had an animal communicator talk to her and basically my horse doesn't like it up her in Quincy, CA. But should there really be a need for squealing? If you need more info please ask, because theres so much more, but I could write about ten pages.


Welcome to the world of opinionated mares!  I suspect that you are not able to spend nearly as much time with her as either of you would like and she's telling you about it!  

I don't really have a good suggestion for you on this one short of moving her someplace else.  Maybe you can determine what it is about the place she's at that she doesn't like and try to rectify that.  Not enough turn-out?  Not enough hay?  Turned out with horses she doesn't like?  There could be any number of reasons she's not happy there.  If you can somehow manage to spend more time with her that might help.

Is she this way all the time or just when she's ovulating?  Some mares get very difficult either at ovulation with pain or just plain irrational when coming into season.  If it's connected to her cycles you could try putting her on some herbs to help with that.  Regu-Mate would be another solution but that's really expensive to use.  There are a number of herbal combinations and you may have to try a couple of different ones to find the one that works for your mare.  

In any event you need to simply spend more time with her and work with her to correct this behavior.  

Sorry I can't be more help.  This is one of the reasons some people love mares and others can't stand them.  Me, I'm a mare rider and love my girls but as a woman I understand the whole PMS thing with mares.  You probably do too.  See what you can figure out and get back to me.
