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urinary incontinence

21 9:36:05

I have a coming 6 yr old Arabian gelding that I have had since he was 8 months old. When we are doing ground work he drops his penis and I notice urine dribbling, not the whole time but enough that I can tell it looks clear. I have not noticed this when in the pasture at leisure, I haven't actually started riding him yet, just ground work with a saddle and sitting on his back and ponying him with other horses. Just too old to take a chance on getting hurt, taking it very slow. Should I be worried? Someone told me he drops his penis because he is comfortable and not stressed around me but should he be dribbling urine? There are no other signs or symptoms of health problems that I have noticed. Please help. Thanks.

Your horse should not do this. there could be a urinary tract problem or perhaps more concerningly a neurological problem with the urinary sphincter. I suggest you get him evaluated by an internist to determine if there may be a problem here. i think this could be beyond the scope of a general practitioner, but talk to your vet about it and the possibilites first. there are treatments for both problems, though if he has a neurological problem, he may need long-term medication to control it. Start with a good physical exam by your vet first. A urinalysis and blood work. Then if thats normal, investigate other possibilities including neurological problem to the bladder and/or sphincter. An internist would be the best person to rely on for in depth investigation of this. good luck. please let me know if I can help any further.