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Coon footed dropped pasterns

21 9:36:57

Q:  Is our guy overreaching and scalping because of his connfootedness? Is this a condition that should be corrected-supported?
We have a just retired 13 yr old gelding that has been called coon footed. His hind pasterns are dropped. His fetlocks are low with the short pastern bone terribly close to horizontal. His hooves are very long, yet the white line is also out that far. His colateral grooves are very deep, and his coronet band curves down and around like a smile shape (if you cock his hoof back to a normal angle the coronet band would look dipped). I am wondering if there are any support boots that will limit the flexing to help the tendons tighten back up and correct this some (considering the Legacy system protective boots with suspensory rib). We're working toward going barefoot with the 'natural hoof care' trim. His rear shoes are already off. Planning to toughen those up and to balance to him the rear before pulling the front shoes). I'm hoping we can encourage the hoof to recover as much as its willing to without any immediate change that would affect the position of the coffin bone. By the way, he qualified at the Pompano track the day we got him, so he was performing this way and is not showing  any lameness. He also overreaches and strikes his fronts, even at a walk, and he has scalping inside his legs, above the hocks. The USTA has him as Pacer and my trainer says he was a Trotter, if this helps. Just in case any of this is congenital, we were told he's a German standardbred who is from the Lehigh Hanover and Meadow Skipper bloodlines. His cannon bones are very thick with course wavy hair.

Hi Kerri.
  Two questions then I can give you a detailed answer: Do you have a registered name for this horse, or can you read the freeze brand or the lip tattoo? Do you intend to race him or use him as a pleasure horse?
  Let me know and I can give you a much more detailed answer.
Anne Stepien