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halter training shetland pony

21 10:01:56

I would like to know the correct way to train a young shetland pony 3 yr old to set up for the halter classes with my 5 yr old granddaughter. He is beautiful, and I am wondering if I need to stretch him out a bit when I try to set him up.  If he knows what I am asking, he will do about anything.  She has shown him 1 yr, but the attention span is short for them both.  He is a yr older so I think if he knows what we are asking he will do better.  Do I want to stretch him out?  It looks really great, but maybe Iam making it too hard.  He is at the trainers right now, but I love to work with them and teach them myself if at all possible.
thanks for your time.
Ginger Denny

Dear Ginger:
I'm afraid that Shetlands aren't really my area of expertise, but in my limited understanding, American Shetlands DO stand stretched much like a Morgan. Your daugther is very young and frankly, I would try and focus more on safety and her having fun than if the pony is set up correctly. Once the pony is older assuming this is part of his training regime, he will set up quickly on command.
As a judge, especially in young children's classes, I place much more emphasis on safety than anything else. I have seen children wrap lead chains around their hands (much to my horror) tryng to square up an animal.
I firmly believe that all children should receive "firsts" for good efforts.
S. Evans