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Feed time

21 9:49:13

Hi Amanda
I have a TB Gelding and he eats out of his bucket when i am mixing his feed with water. If i chase him away he will only walk. He is totally bomb proof so i tried slapping him on the but with a stick and he kicked me in my ribs. How can i stop him from eating out of his bucket when i am mixing his feed with the water. He is agisted with 23 other horses but they are all in separate yards and he goes into a 30 acre paddock 5 times a week.
Thank you i hope you can help me out From Ariana

hi ariana,
well you could mix the grain before going into the pen. or you can go into the pen with a loung whip. if he approaches you send him off, if he acts like hes going to kick you, snap the whip, if he does kick you, smack him. over time he will learn to wait and be patient. good luck and dont get kicked =)
amanda groff