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My silly horse bucks when he runs!

21 9:30:27

I rescued my best buddy, 11 yo QH "Rusty", from a sticky situation where he was ridden by lots of different "cowboys". Needless to say, this has presented some interesting retraining challenges for me, but one I cannot understand is he habit of bucking when he runs. It doesn't seem to me a mean "Im trying to get rid of you" buck, more like "I am so excited I cant get all my feet to go in the same direction". He seems to be a "go fast or don't go at all" kind of boy. Any ideas?

Hello Kimberly,

Sounds like you have a happy horse full of pizazz.  I think you should put him on the lunge line before you mount and allow him to get his high jinks out of his system before you get on. It may require anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes until he lowers his head and gives a sigh and it might not take that long.

Then after the edge is worn off you can do some disciplined schooling.  Try this and see if it works.  Let me know??

Happy riding,