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mini stud colt

21 9:55:12

i own a two year old mini paint stud colt. he has taken quite well to the bit, bridle, and the saddle.i have put weight on the saddle using sandbags as my old personal trainer told me to, and he walks just fine with a 40 pound boy on his back in saddle, kicking his sides. he has also just recently gone into a trot with him on his back, but only for about 3 seconds, then he throws a bucking fit. i have a specially made bridle and bit for him as he is smaller than average. the saddle is just fine as is the blanket, but i have no clue on what bugs him about going faster than a walk with a boy on his back who he loves to death as every time he comes out he runs up to him to give him a 'kiss'. can you possibly help me out?

Kicking the sides will cause horses to buck..... try having the 40# boy slap him on the butt WHEN he quits going forward at the pace you wish -- whether it be walk - trot or lope ----- then QUIT when the horse reward him...  if he quits again -- repeat with hard slap... it will hurt riders hand more than the colt <grin>...

now slap on the Outside of the direction in the round pen -- I.E. if you're going in a left circle slap the right side of his butt and vice versa...

--- the "kiss" is relevant.  Horses do not like to work.... carrying weight is has nothing to do with it... except your love for this colt.  

good luck