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Back to work after treating EPM

21 10:03:49

I have a barrel horse that I have just recently finished treating for EPM.  Before he was diagnosed for EPM he displayed many behavior problems such as running past the barrels, shaking his head around the turns, and just plain acting like he hurt all over.  I do not overwork my horse nor do I run him except at shows. I am in the process of returning him to his work. Do you have any suggestions on how to do so? Should I keep him off the barrels for a while? Thanks

You are lucky he survived!  Please keep in mind that he may never run barrels again.  His rehabilitation needs to be slow and steady.  Even without the EPM, I would have recommended taking him out of the barrel arena and trail riding him more.  Do ring work, but on the rail.  He will need to regain control of muscles and balance lost with the EPM.  To groung work, lunging and even showmanship.  Make whatever you do with him fun and engaging for him and you both.  Try some of the partnership excersizes seen in Horse and Rider magazine and such.

I may take a year maybe two and it might never happen, but you will have a better friend after the process even if he doesn't run a pattern again.
