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What kinds of brushes are there???

21 9:21:18


I would like to know what kinds of "Extra" brushes there are for grooming.  Here are the ones i have:

~Small Rubber Curry
~Hoof Pick
~Hard Brush
~Soft Brush
~Soft Brush For Face
~REALLY Soft Curry For Face
~Mane & Tail Brush
~Metal Curry

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!

  There are several different kinds of mane and tail brushes and several types of curry combs. I love the Protecto horse "critter curries." You can get a description at I am also partial to a fine wire mane and tail brush. I'm a little curious why you have so many brushes. You could get away with 2 or 3 and lots of elbow grease :)
Anne Stepien