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my horses wieght

21 9:53:06

my horse is a 17hh half clydstale half thoroughbred. i mesured her with my wieght tape and it says she is 553pounds and it says that wieght is for a 19hh horse. she is a bulky horse does this mean she is overwieght or is it just her breed? she is 14yrs old and i ride her 5times a week, jumping, hacking, and lots of ground work. she is out in the field all day and night unless im riding. what would you say her ideal wait should be?

please get back to me.
P.S she is getting 3/4of a scoup a day once a day and only feed at night, just incase you wanted to know!  

Hi Christina,
Clydesdales are naturally big and bulky. Its hard to tell from your description if she is overweight. You can try the Henneke body condition scoring chart. It is detailed in helping you out with questions like this. Here is the website If you think your horse is overweight the best thing to do is contact a vet or nutritionalist to help you set up a routine. Best of luck to you :)
