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Swelling-front leg below knee

21 9:40:11

QUESTION: My 22 y/o Thoroughbred has a swollen area on the front of his front left leg (cannon bone area) It's not tender to the touch and he only favors it a slight bit at the trot. He just had his hooves trimmed 3 days ago, and before that his hooves were considerably long. I put an ice pack on it and then wrapped like I did when he bowed his tendon on his front right leg over 6 years ago. I am a college student so I try to stretch my $$. Is it possibly something that will disappear with time in his stall with it wrapped or should I call the vet?

ANSWER: when did this occur?? Is this a new swelling? If its on the front of the cannon bone, there probably is not alot to do about it. You could sweat it and keep it wrapped and give him some bute (1 gram twice a day). If it stays painful or if he is or becomes lame, you may want to have a vet snap a few radiographs. I dont recommend that right now. Give him the sweats and the bute and give it some time. I think he will wind up being OK, but stay in touch and let me know how it is, I will help you through this without needing to pay a vet unless there is a reason to do so.

Bradford Bentz

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I appreciate the help. The swelling appeared about a week ago, out of the blue. I was actually beginning to lunge him and I noticed he was a little off. As soon as I noticed the lameness, I made him stop and took him over and started putting cold water on his leg. I have been wrapping it ever since, and using the icy/hot stuff for horses. The swelling has gone down a little bit, but it's still there and a little more tender, and there is actually a bit of heat coming from the swollen area. I think you are right though, time is the best thing. I am keeping him a little longer in the stall, but I have to let him out when he gets fed up with being cooped up and begins kicking the walls of his stall.


my advice remains the same. However, i do feel more like this is probably a "splint". this is an injury to the splint bone as either a small fracture or a trauma to the periosteum with significant periosteal  (covering of the bone) proliferation and inflammation. Carry on. It will heal, but will take time and can be nagging for a bit.