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How much DO YOU think my horse is worth?

21 9:55:00

my name is Amanda I am looking into selling my horse and i dont know how much to put her up for sale as!
here is some information on Jessie (my horse) She Can jump 3ft courses with ease, can neck rein, clips,..... well with vet farrier etc,  does need some grain or teaser to get into trailer =[!!!!
i have jumped lots of cross country courses, 3ft and higher
she can auto lead change, is very good with kids/teens husband safe horse has never bucked, but she doesnt like whip, crop, etc. She will not lunge unless she has professional training.
I bought her for about 2,500
she is not registered?
please i hope you can help me
thank you very much

It really depends on where you live., the price. Also you did not sya how old she is, how tall and if she has competed. Without that their is a very broad range of 5,000- 15000 if she hyas competed and done well and is not to old. If you want a more detailed estimate please sk again with some more info, thanks