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what type of saddle pad

21 9:27:25

Hi, My horse has progreesed into his under saddle training phase and he is a healthy, sound,13 year old NSH(more Arab than ASB qualities),in English Saddleseat.What do you think about the emory foam or "open cell/impact absorbing type of saddle pads? I'm average size,5'5"& 130 lbs.&my horse is 15.2 hands,900-1,000lbs. Thank You!


Memory foam pads are good pads.  Probably more than you need for your type of riding but a good pad.  The reason I say that is because I don't imagine you are going to be ridng him for terribly long periods of time (3-5 hrs.) which is where those pads truly excel, but comfortable for him for sure.  Biggest thing you need to make sure of is that his saddle fits him well.  If he's more Arab-type than Saddlebred you will have to watch that the saddle fits him through the withers and isn't too long in the tree, from pommel to cantle.  This is a common problem in Arabs because they are shorter coupled than many horses.  But if he has a somewhat longer back then that shouldn't be a problem.  

Good luck with  him.  It's so much fun teaching horses new things.
