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Very afraid pony

21 9:45:18

About a month ago, I went to an auction to buy a saddle.  Only I didn't find a saddle, but I did find a pony.  It was love at first sight (well on my end anyway). She was so beautiful I had to buy her.  I am 41 years old and really wanted her as a pet and to keep my three year old horse company.  I think she is about 4 years old since she does not yet have her "wolf" molars.  Here is the problem:  she will barely let me near her.  I have tried feeding her grain through the fence, out of a bin lid (I hold the lid while she eats)  It took me two weeks to get her that close to me.  However, she will not let me touch her and will not eat out of my hand.  She tosses her head and paws the ground when she is not scarfing grain into her mouth. She really has to build up her courage to get close enough to eat out of the bin lid.  

I have never had a horse/pony this afraid of people.  Is it possible she has been extremely abused?  Will I ever have a chance of taming her to the point where I can brush her and lead her around?  Is there such a thing as a "hopeless case"?   What can I do to make her trust me? I am afraid to get too close as I am sure she could kick the fire out of me if she wanted to.

You need to understand horses better.  This pony could have been abused or could have been spoiled that it now does not respect humans.  A pony has a reputation of being mean and nasty, it is because people buy them for kids, neither the parents of kids know anything about a horse, so they feed them and kiss them and treat them like cute little horses.  But what they really do is teach the horse that people don't understand horses and that people are only food provides that you do not have to respect.

This pony may kick the fire out of you if you let it.  A horse only respect a higher horse that makes them move away or yield to the higher horse's pressure.  You will never see another horse go get hay and bring it to another horse.  A horse will push another horse away from food so they can eat.  That is how horse's talk to each other, you are either higher or lower.  If you push the pony and make her move away from you, you are higher, if you bring her food, allow her to eat the food rudely, pin ears and basically take the food from you, then you tell and teach the pony that you are lower, you are weak, you are not a strong leader and you tell this horse if you don't listen to her, she should correct you and kick you or bite you.

Read my horsemanship page on my site, it will give you a better understanding of horses and how they talk to each other.  Then if you still don't know what you should do, then write me back.
