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Mini Horse Training

21 9:19:27

Toughy the mini
Toughy the mini  
QUESTION: Hello (again!)
So you recently told me about training a mini horse gelding I volunteer with, Snippers, with the Lunge whip. Is started working fabulously, but now he just doesn't care!
I will tap him three times on the rump, with a gentle but firm pull on the lead, and command 'Walk' to him. He started out with it like a dream pony - he even trotted and sort of cantered for me! But now I will do those things and he will stand there and stare at me, then twist his head and wrench the lead out of my hands, then try to walk away.
How do I handle this? How can I get him to respond to me like he used to? He is too easily distracted. I'm not sure If I am doing something wrong here, I am trying my hardest to be clear with him. Do you have any tips on how to handle the situation?
Thank you so much,

mini horse
mini horse  
ANSWER: Hello again and thanks for your question. I would like to start to ask you to measure your little friends. From the picture you sent me of Toughy he looks more like a shetland or pony rather then a mini horse although I could be wrong. Just from his build to me he looks more pony. If you would measure from the ground up along his leg to the top of his his withers how many inches they are that may help me a little. From my experience pony's are a little more hard headed and stubborn then miniature horses. I don't know why but mini's are more willing to do things. This may explain why Snippers is being stubborn. Neitherless one what they are we need to do something about it.

From what you are telling me you are not doing anything wrong, hes just being stubborn and showing you hes boss. You need to be firm and a little more demanding on him. Tap him on the rump a couple times and ask him to WALK with a little force from the lead rope too (as you have been doing# and if he doesn't move tap him a little HARDER each time UNTIL he decides to move forward. These little guys are tough! As soon as he takes a step forward stop tapping him and reward him.

There is another method, it takes a little more work and experience. Put his halter and lead on him like you were and then take a long lead or long rope around his butt (below his tail bone and above his back legs) so you can pull his butt/body while you are pulling on his halter. This is how you teach a foal to halter break ( you can look it up on youtube or on the internet I'm sure to get a little more info or pictures). I am sure this could work for a little horse like Snippers.

Something else that I would try for more control is take your lead rope run it though the HALTER left bottom clip ring, then go under the chin and then clip it to the right bottom clip ring. This would be like using a chin chain on a big horse but lease severe when using it with a rope lead. This would give you more control and if he tried to pull you would have more leverage and he would likely listen better. Give it a try.

Anyway give these few things a try and let me know how it goes or if you have any more questions. Thanks again and best of luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey and thanks, I can't wait to try that!
The owners said that the people who sold them the minis claimed that they were 'American Miniature horses'. Both have very nice build, but are fat like ponies and have these HUGE puffy manes! I was so sure they were Shetland ponies until the owners said they were minis, but who knows? I'll research it more.
Have you ever heard of the TTouch training techniques? I recently got a book on it and how to read horse's personalities through their faces, and it from it I think it sounds like Snippers is very intelligent and thinks that my training is boring. I'm not really sure, I wanted to know it fyou knew anything about it.

Also, I had been talking to one of the employees at the garden where the ponies are, and the employee knew a lot about horses but they were suggesting I get a lead rope with a chain clip and use it as a shank around Snippers muzzle. Personally, that sounds like a twitch to me and I don't agree with that kind of horsemanship. The muzzle is a delicate part of the horse and I think chains are too hard on it. But is the rope/halter technique you suggested softer on the muzzle?  I'm just wondering.

Thanks again!


Well I don't like to use a chain on a horse of any size unless they are being dangerous. From what you are telling me they are not being dangerous just stubborn. The rope idea I gave you is softer and will give you more control, you just need to be firm and straight forward with them. I have never heard of TTouch training. I would suggest you look up Pat Parelli's horse-inality (horse personality) its a chart of what each horse's attitude is and what the best way to teach and train dealing with horses an individuals. It may help with both mini horses.

Thanks again and its great to hear from you. Best of luck!

GO to this website and look at the chart