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Percheron Tail

21 9:46:47

I have recently purchased a pure bred percheron for a pleasure horse.  He is four years old.  I am wondering if there is some sort of supplement or home remedy to give him to promote tail growth. I think in the long run he will appreciate the fly swatter!! I would like to grow out his mane and tail and would like a few tips on how to do so.

Hi Christena, glad to hear you that you want the tail for your horse to use as a fly swatter... too many people worry about looks on a horse for the wrong reasons.

Not sure I can give you too much.  Flax seed is good for the coat.  Ask your vet for tips as well.  I give my guys grass hay, keep them in pasture and supplement them with some cracked corn, rolled oats and rice bran.  Rice bran (Empower) has vitamins and flax seed to help the coat, keeps weight on them and is like fiber to keep their internals moving.  I don't like alfalfa hay, too rich -- grass hay, rye, oat or orchard grass is much better for a horse.  I only give about 2 cups of my grain mix a day, maybe a cup when I take them out and a cup when I put them up.  I mix 1/3 rolled oats, 1/3 cracked corn and 1/3 rice bran.

Don't comb or brush the mane or tail without spraying some hair conditioner on them first.  The conditioner helps the tangles come out without pulling out hair.  Some say don't brush the mane or tail and only use your fingers to groom them.  If you see hair in your brush or comb after you groom, you did something wrong.

Cowboy Magic or any other spray on coat or hair conditioner works like a charm for me.  I spray it on, rub it in with my hands and then slowly brush it out without pulling on the hair.  My boys have nice tails, but I think it is genetic and not necessarily what I am doing.  But that is my take on this.

Good luck,
