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Not stopping

21 10:01:07

Thanks much for your reply, but my horse won't back under saddle. He backs fine on the ground, though. Do you have any tips for teaching the back under saddle?

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Question -
I have a 17 year old Tennessee Walker gelding who will not stop from the walk. I will sit deep in the saddle, say "woah", and squeeze and release on the reins. He will sometimes stop(after a bunch of stides), but then he just walks off again, and he resists if I try to stop him again. The catch is that he rates down from the gait faster then the walk (I'm trying to work on his running-walk; he does all kinds of stange gaits currently) just fine. I have him in a fairly strong bit (slow twist eggbut snaffle) but it dosen't seem to work.

Answer -
Hi Sarah,
When I teach whoa I start in a round pen. I ask them to walk or jog on a lounge line. When I want them to stop I say whoa. If they do not stop I pull on the line and bring their nose around to me. I let them stand for a minute, then start over. I have never had it take more that 3-4 times for them to get the idea. I do this with just a regular halter and no chain.
When you say "whoa," say it calmly and firmly and always in the same tone of voice. Whoa and WHOA!! do not mean the same thing to a horse. And definitely use body language, too. Sit deep in your saddle when you say the command. Release the rein as soon as you feel the horse get ready to stop. Also, I think it helps to back a horse up every time it stops, too. As soon as I tell my gelding "whoa" and sit down and drop my rein (I don't even have to pull back to get her to stop) he throws on the brakes, then backs up two steps. Just be consistent!

Your very welcome :)
You could try a ground driving method. Use the bridle and attach 1 (or 2 if need be)lunge lines to the bit and stand behind your horse (not to close) and pull back. Keep saying "back, back, back," till he does it then give him praise. Whenever you ride him, try to make him back up. Dont get discouraged if he dosent do it the first couple times. It will take some work and dedication for your horse to wake up and realize that this is what he is supposed to do.
Good luck!