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Single horses

21 9:53:27

What's the majority view of having only one horse?  I recently moved my horse that I boarded to my private property.  He was with many geldings but is now alone.  I have heard that horses need companions.

 Well, the jury is still out on this one, but I will tell you that horses, by nature, are heard animals.  In the wils horses are strictly prey animals, so by stickin together they maintain the "safety in numbers" principle.  Most domestic horses still have that instict to stay in a heard situation.  Reall hot, nervous horses (thoroughbreds, arabians, etc.) still do better in groups, but learn to trust their owners enough to leave the heard for a short period of time with no trouble.  But many horses live perfectly healthy, happy lives by themselves.  It really depends on the personality of your horse.  I would watch him for sings of anxiety or depression.  If you start noticing those things, them I would consider getting him a friend, and it doesn't have to be another horses.  Goats make fabulous companion animals.  Also people give away horses everyday that are no longer rideable due to injury or age, or whatever reasons, that can only be "pasture pets" that would be a good companion option for him as well.
