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show anxiety/friskiness

21 9:53:27


I have a 3 year old 15H paint mare whom I am showing in a small local circuit.  At home she does great at the walk/jog in a 70' roundpen, but at the show she want to walk/jog very quickly, even when I try to start collecting her up she will lower her head but continue to trot faster.  Can you assist in how to work with her at home/show to maintain her attention/focus and not try to race around the showpen. Please help I am very frustrated.


Dear Michelle:
The title of your letter speaks volumes :show anxiety." I think you've really hit the nail on the head with this one. Try to work your horse outside of the round pen- long straight tracks- lengthening and shortening stride- diverse exercises like spiraling in and out of circles- leg yield, shoulder in - all of these exercises supple your horse and keep her attentive to your aids.
The biggest thing is to get her out more often- ride with other horses and use other rings- go to shows and ride "hors concours" (not to be judged) and simply school her. Teach her that she WILL be corrected for speeding up no matter where she is. Circle off the rail (out of people's way) halt and back her- let her stand. Head back to the rail. Desensitizing her is very important. Best wishes.
S. Evans