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Removing stains on greys

21 10:02:21

Help! I have a Paint horse who has a little more white (grey) than i would like. The only reason i don't like that much white is...It's hard to clean! For shows she has to be spotless, but i can't get the yellowish stains out of her coat. Do you have any tips or recommended products that i could use. Help!

The best things I have found to remove stains on light colored horses are shampoos with white color enhancers and stain removers.  For example, Quic Silver (
and Hi-Ho Silver Color Enhancing Shampoo
There's also Quic Groom Stain Remover
for tough areas.  If something goes wrong at the show and you can't seem to get the stains out, try a touch-up spray (white).  There's one here:
You can probably find these products at your local tack store, but I'm just giving you links so you can see what they look like.  Also, if you can't find them, you can order online.  I hope this helps, and good luck getting her coat sparkling!  I have a grey horse, so I know how it is :)  IF you have any more questions, feel free to follow-up.