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just wondering

21 9:52:40

Hi I have been wondering for ever how much my horse is worth and hopefully you
can help me. My horses name is Pasco Star she has a lot of horses that sound
important such as Three bars, Wimpie, Leo, Dexter, Poco Bueno, and Traveler (I
got all of my information from She
was first owned by my dad's friend which gave her to me for free for a job my
dad did for her. She told my dad not to let me on her and that she had not been
rode for 3 and a half years. After working with her for what seemed like for
ever I got on her and she did great! She side passes, backs up really fast,
works cows, runs barrels and poles, and does anything I ask her to do. If you
can help me I will be so happy. Oh and f.y.i. I'm not selling her!

well hi Dakota
sounds like you have a pretty good horse. she reminds me of my mare that i have right now. based on her breeding and what she doesn't i would price her at 5-6k. but it depends on where you are. here in California horses are priced higher. that would be a price i would sell her for in cali.if you live back east i would say anywhere from 4-5k. now depending on her attitude and conformation it could be a different story. if she has any vices as well it would bring her price down. but if she has no vices and good conformation than thats what I would price her as. as she gets older the price does go down. but since your not selling her I wouldn't worry about that. enjoy her and have alot of good memories. I know I do with my girl.