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Senior Horse losing weight

21 10:03:05

I have a mare that is 40 years old.  Of course I adore her and only want the very best for her. Lately she has lost weight and in spite of feeding her a senior formula pellet, I cannot get her to gain her weight back. I have a trace mineral block available at all times and plenty of fresh water.  Any suggestions, she is otherwise in pretty good shape.  Watching her eat I don't see her dropping a lot of food so I think her teeth are OK.

Thanks in advance,
June Manion

I am not sure what to think about this question, Well, senior horses do seem to lose weight when they get older and its normal to see them slowing down, but you may need a vet's advice on this. They can tell you if she is sick, or she might need a weight gain supplement. Talk to your vet and thats the best thing you can do. Good luck and please rate me. Wow your horse is 40? Whew My aunt and Uncle have one that is 38, but Not 40! You must have taken really good care of her! Thanks for the question!