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vintage horse saddle

21 9:14:45

I purchased a western roping saddle yesterday at a garage sale and I'd like to know what it is worth. It is floral tooled and has silver embellishments. The only markings at all I can find on it are on the stirrups and are as follows 985I 50-08545. Can you please tell me more about this saddle? Thank you.

Dear Theresa,
Without photographs, there is not much help I can offer. It is unusual that a roping saddle would have silver as this type of decoration is usually reserved for pleasure show saddles. I don't know what your experience is with saddles so forgive the question- but are you sure it's a roping saddle? It is also unusual that a saddle would have no makers marks. My best suggestion would be for you to take photos of the saddle (all angles) and send them to a reputable western tack store/saddle maker and see if they can be of any help. YOu might also be able to try a Google image search (take a pict. of the saddle and drop it into Google images).
S. Evans