Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Cough


21 10:04:08

My horse has a pretty bad cough, and his nose is running, and its very green. Is this a minor cold or something i should call the vet about. We just got him back from another person who I was boarding him out to.  


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help. If it goes away soon after keeping him comfortable for a couple days then I wouldn't worry too much and have your vet check for anything on the next scheduled visit. Just make sure he's warm and not outside or damp for too long and not a lot of heavy work. Be sure to watch his habits to see if anything changes. Like if he stops eating or if he's pacing a lot or his bathroom habits. Changes in these can be signs of something bigger than a cold. But if it stays any longer than a couple days and/or you think it is a lot more serious contact your vet. You don't necesarily have to get him/her to come down but a phone call never hurts to check in. Also, you might have to talk to the person who he was recently boarded out to. See if her/his horses have any of the same symptoms, or if he could have been exposed to anything and what his living conditions were like. All of these things might help you and/or a vet be able to tell what's wrong with him. With winter coming it's not unlikely that's it's just a cold but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I hope that was of some help

* meg *