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21 9:20:11

hi i have a three year 5 month old filly weighing 850 pounds and is 14.1 hands tall. her mother is a 15 hand tall horse and very bulcky her father is 14.1 hands tall not really what i call slim but not bulky just average. but i was curious i no you cant see her but just by my facts do you think she has reached her maximum height at this point in her life or do you think she could get any taller i know this is in the sky kinda question but please answer the best to your personal experiences with horse.. thanks for any answer i appretiate your time.. quarter horse mix

Hi Lesli!  Based on the fact that the average horse continues to grow until the age of 5 and sometimes 6, I would expect to see your filly get a little taller.  Of course you're absolutely right about all the factors that go into it ... mainly genetics and nutrition.

I hope that helps!  
I wish you very blessed Christmas season :)
