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my horse stopped taking the bit

21 9:20:10

Hi Judi, I have a coming 19 year old QH mare and we live in N Calif.  I have owned this mare for 9 years and just this past fall she said no  to the basic light snaffle bit.  she backed up, clamped her month down and tossed her head up.. She has had her teeth done every year like clockwork.  I had her adjusted and the man I had come out to adjust her said her TMJ was out.  She took the bit again for about a week and them no again.  
I didn't fight with her and put her in a sidepull bridle and went on the trail with it.  No issue except that I can't get a nice frame.  Helps me put her head into it...all is fine.  I am wondeering what is going on and why all of a sudden no bit allowed.  She is a good eater and has no issues. Can you offer me any advise.  I also had another dentist look at her and said she needed a light float?????Which we did, no difference.  She is a good mount and is honest. What would be my next steps? Anne

Hi Anne!  Wow this really is a mystery isn't it?  Sounds like we can rule out any tooth issues so I'm wondering if could be her ears ... will she let you handle them normally?  My TB goes though stages where he gets rude about accepting the bit but then he gets over it but this sounds different to me.  I think she is trying to communicate something to you.  

If she had a positive response to the chiropractic adjustment, I would think that the TMJ joint could very easily have popped back out shortly after the first treatment.  I would contact him/her and discuss recommendations for regular adjustments to see if it will hold longer each time.  Makes me wonder what caused it to become "out" to begin with ...

I'm really just thinking out loud so I'm sorry if I'm rambling.  I'll do some research and more thinking on this Anne!

Thank you :)