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Horse gear...tackle?

21 10:04:00


I'm working on some short fiction, and I am interested in the names of the various gear that a horse wears when a person wants to ride it.  

Pardon the awkward phrasing, I'm not sure how to spit it out... what I'm looking for are the words for the different bits of gear you see on a horse when you're getting ready to ride it.  

I know very little, like bridle and bit, etc, but I don't know any more than that.  I would like to know everything that a horse wears (usually) when a person intends to ride it.  

I want to know how you saddle a horse (which side...  I heard rumors about the left?) and what the different bits of the saddle are called.  

Also, are all of these things called tackle?  I heard that once, want to be sure.

On a related note, what does a rider wear?  There's a helmet, usually, and tight pants?  (what are those called?)  just briches?  

Any answers you could provide would be appreciated.  Thank you for your time.


For an english rider and horse, there is the saddle with the stirrups (what you put your feet it), the seat (where you sit), the pommel (the front rise of the saddle), and the billet straps (where you attach the girth to).  Those are the basic parts of a saddle.  Then there is the girth, which goes around the horse's stomach and keeps the saddle in place.  Here is a diagram: These are parts to a western saddle: Western is usually used on trail rides and with barrel racing and reining.  English is used for jumping, fox hunting, dressage, and some other disiplines.
You can tack up a horse on either side, but you attach the girth to the right side of the horse first.  Here is a diagram of the bridle: .  It may seem complicated.  The main parts you need to know are the bit, nosepiece (for english), throatlatch and browband.  These are straps to keep the bridle on.  Some bridles have 2 sets of reins for more control, but that is for advanced english riding (dressage).  Most bridles have one set.  Usually a horse just wears a saddle w/ a saddle pad (so the saddle doesn't rub on it's back), and a bridle.  This is called tack.  An english rider wears breeches (also called britches, tall (or short-- called paddock) leather boots, and a helmet.  In shows, they wear a showcoat, usually blue but it can be gray green, black or (if they are an international rider) red.  Western riders wear cowboy boots, jeans, and (sometimes) a cowboy hat.
I hope this helps! If you need anything else, feel free to reply.