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getting back on again

21 10:04:00

Dear Emma,
I have written to you once before, about an i-search. I have a question about something else. i use to ride a lot, but i have stopped. im very scared to get on a horse that i have never riden and never seen. i has probably to do with me falling off a horse twice. it was both when i was cantering. i love to jump but if i have to canter, then i wont. i usually just trot and walk. how can i not be so scared about getting on to a horse and just start cantering again? i always loved horseback riding but im afraid to do it. Please help me.

yeah i remember :) is there a horse that you feel comfortable riding? or a horse that you know that you can trust? I think that this is the best way to get back into cantering, if you have a few lessons on that horse just walking and trotting, and then slowly introduce cantering then you should be fine :) When jumping you will have to canter i'm afraid. Trotting is okay, but when you start jumping higher jumps you will need a canter as horses find it a lot easier to jump in canter than in trot.
 I understand how you feel, cantering is quite a frightening thought if you havent done it much before, or if youve had some bad experiences with it. I had a riding accident on a bridle path i used to ride on a lot, but im scared to ride up there now. I should really go back to it i guess, but basically i know how you feel :). When you have a lesson where youre going to canter, dont worry about it, ok? Itll be a lot better for you and the horse if youre not stressed out. If youre nervous, the horse will feel it and be nervous as well. just try to relax :)
 Hope i helped and good luck :) youll be fine.