Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > loss of hair/ white hair

loss of hair/ white hair

21 9:40:04

QUESTION: The presence of white hairs indicate pressure points because the excess pressure has damaged the hair follicles so that the hair comes in white.  Prolonged usage may actually cause the hair to fall out.
Question: If hair falls out because of prolonged use of a saddle that does not fit properly will the hair grow back?

ANSWER: yes, ususally it grows back when the irritation subsides unless the trauma to the skin has been so severe as to cause scarring in the affected area, in which case there will not be regrowth of hair. Incidentally, you are correct about the white hair and trauma, but also be privy that explanation that may not be the only cause for the white hair to grow in.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: In your answer you said their may something else that caused the white hair what could that be? Also when can I start riding again? Thanks Michael

this may not apply to you but any trauma to the skin can cause leukotrichia (white hair). This can include kicks, bites from other horses and injections of numerous drugs. if the pattern of the white hair you see on your horse matches the saddle, it is probably from that. however, if there is just one or 2 sites that may be coincidentally associated with the saddle area, they could have been from some other trauma. However, this in no way indicates or suggests that the saddle fits appropriately. Just could be an explanation for leukotrichia in other areas on the horse or that may occur from something else despite being in the area of the saddle.