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21 9:55:10

Hi, i am quite new to riding and was wondering if it is ok to ride in tight levis 501's, these are the only jeans i feel comfortable in when i ride. Also i am a quick learner and I enjoy riding bare back a lot. Some person told me I can not ride bare back too much though, because he said that if I ride too much that i will create a sore or burn on my horses back from the seam off the butt of my levis. I dont know if this is true or not. Also my horse can get stubborn quite a lot, would you advise me to get a pair of spurs or whip?

Hi Jimmy :)
You can ride in whatever jeans you like. You can also ride bareback in your jeans but I advise you to use a bareback pad. The pad is more comfortable for you and your horse. As for the spurs and whip, I am greatly against using spurs. A whip would be the best thing to use. Give him a gentle tap on the butt if he wont go forward, and a gentle tap in the neck if he tries to eat while you are riding. Hope this has helped :) Good luck.