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Older Horse Retraining

21 10:00:58

  I have a 13 yr. old gelding that at one time was a good horse with alot of go. He has little training, but can be ridin and used as a pack animal. Can a horse be trained to bring him back to what he should have been at a younger age?
He has a good disposition and really is a quick learner, can I get him able to ride like he had been trained right at a younger age or do I write him off as a Pasture Pony and a long time friend?
Any help would be great. Thanks Tim E.  


Of course he can be trained!  You will just have to work with him the same as you would a younger horse as far as teaching him what you want him to know.  He will probably be a little easier to train because he's older, will be able to focus better on what you want and already has some experience under his belt.  They are never too old to learn.  I trained a 21 yr. old horse to drive!  So, get him back to school.
