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horse coming into the centre of the groundf

21 9:15:42

hello Dorothy. today, I trotted a Marwari mare in counter clockwise direction. all of a sudden she into the centre of the ground where riders line up their steads. what does it mean? does she wants to change the direction or wanna line up?

Hello Rohit,

It means simply that you are not in control of your steed.  She is in control.  That is not a good thing to have.  You are a passenger not a rider. A rider is in charge, tells the horse where to go and takes it there. You must take many many more riding lessons so that you can master your steed.  Obviously this mare knows that her rider cannot ride and she just wants to stop and have you get off.  Better she stop in the centre rather than buck you off.  

Are you hurting her mouth with rough hands that are holding on to the reins????
