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Statistic - western v. english riding popularity

21 10:02:10

Dear Shelley,
I hope you can either answer my question or put me in the right direction.   Our neighborhood equestrian center is considering the shut down of the western riding program in favor of expansion of the hunter jumper discipline.  Needless to say, many of us are "up in arms" about this.  We will be attending the upcoming board of directors meeting to lodge a protest.  Do you have any data regarding the popularity of Western nationwide, vs. English?  Any "ammunition" you could provide would be greatly appreciated. (i.e. websites, etc.)
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Dear Karen:
You can contact the USEF or Equine Canada for specific data as both organizations routinely conduct surveys of their members' disciplines. Unfortunately, if this is a private facility- you probably have little recourse. Regardless of national data - if your area boasts a large hunter jumper community - the decision is probably a financial one. I have been at facilities (even VERY large ones) that have tried to cater to all aspects of all disciplines and it almost always ends up in a struggle for $$$. At one facility, the cattle penners "won out" over the hunter/jumper/dressage crowd; at another it was the other way around. In addition to sustainable income - this facility needs to look closely at maintenance issues such as footing. What works for one discipline is rarely suited to another. It can also be very costly in terms of labour for a facility to have to be setting up and striking courses.
In terms of the facility's western program - is there any reason a western coach/trainer couldn't freelance out of the facility for a useage fee?
Best wishes,
S. Evans