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What is the weight limit for most horses

21 10:02:49

Meg, we have a wild mustang we adopted that weighs about 800lbs.  What is the most he should be carrying on his back?  Is there a rule, like a certain % of his body weight?  Thanks a bunch.


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help. How much weight a horse can carry can vary a fair bit depending on the age, soundness and health of the horse. However, the general rule to follow is the 20% rule, ie. that a horse can carry 20% of it's body weight.
Eg. a 100 lbs horse could carry 200 lbs (rider & tack)

However, this is not definite. If a horse is in great shape they can usally carry more. Some breeds, such as Arabians, Quarter Horses and Icelanic Horses, are bred to carry a greater amount of weight. I'm not sure about mustangs. I think it would depend a lot of whether he was bred in a domesticated environment or if he came from the wild. But generally Mustangs are extremely strong horses and shouldn't have a problem carry a little extra weight if they are in proper health.

Other factors for how much weight they can carry are the bone structure of their legs and back, height of the horse, and how sturdy they are built. I found a great website that explains all of that kind of stuff.
And even though it starts off saying it is for Icelandic Horses, the concept does apply to all horses.

Another website I have for you explains how much pressure should be allowed on his back and how to apply it. It will also help you choose the right type of saddle for both horse and rider.

I hope I was of some help to you. Let me know if you have any more questions.

* Meg