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My 6 week old filly

21 9:44:54

OK. I am 14 years old and have had about 6 years experience with well-behaved horses. My first horse had her foal(my first foal) on may 24th. She is 6 weeks old. From day one I started with the soft brush and just went from there. Hard brush, Hoof pick, main and tail comb. She stands still for me when I brush her. She is good with her hooves, but not as good as I would like her to be. When I try to pick up her hooves, she looks at my butt and tries to bite it. I lightly tap her nose and say "NO" firmly and then go to her hooves again. I realize that her attention span is short, so I try not to do it too long. When I pick up her back feet she does the same thing but then she tries to kick my also. I have only handled her in the barn so she gets kind if rowdy in the field. But that is getting better. I tried to spray her today with some fly spray. She did good. She ran away, but then came back to me. I didn't push it and I ended it with a good one where she stood there and let me do it.
The halter is the issue. 6 weeks, and I've only gotten it on twice and none of them were on all the way. Every time I try she backs up. Daddy says I should man handle her, but I think the more gentle I am the better. But I do know that I need to get it on ASAP!!!!

hi samantha,
as far as the feet go, just keep at it. talk to her and keep your lessons short. do it 4-5 times a day. with the halter do it in the barn when she is in a smaller area. walk up to her and talk to her and pet her. rub her body and be by her side. put your arm around her neck andthe slide the halter on while talking to her. once you have it on rub her and take it off. do this 4-5 times a day as well. when she tries to bite you dont say no. say quit in a stern voice. it is also good to stand above her at this age too. this way when it comes time to ride her she will recognized your bodu above her. do not sit on her just stand and have her body between your legs. the more you do with her the betetr she will be. but keep things short and enjoyable. good luck with your baby!!!
amanda groff