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pony stopping after fence

21 9:53:09

I bought a pony for my daughter, unfortunately she has a bad habit....she stops after a fence,drops her shoulder and does a bunny hop which unseats riders quite effectively!! She did this with me and I did not fall off..I took her to the crossrails again and she was beautiful!! How can I break her of this habit? I found out that she used to buck off her previous owner and was allowed to go in after the event..this has not happened with us quite the opposite she gets ridden for longer when she displays this behaviour. We are using a bitless bridle with her which has made a huge difference in her flat work no more head shaking and bucking there. Any suggestions as I do not want to give up on her she is very smart!

Hello Joanna,
Alright, since she tries to buck after a fence, as soon as she lands, push her forward, and DO NOT let her stop, until you feel that she is not trying to buck any more. Keep her head up ( a horse cannot buck with their heads up) and sit deep in the saddle. If that does not work... the reason she is trying to buck might just be because she is to hyper when shes jumping. So what you can do to stop that, is trot and canter her in circles alot around the jumps. Once she has calmed down... then take her over the fences.
Good luck!