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How to keep horses short haired during winter?

21 9:41:03

I have a quarter horse mare that I show in the winter but I always fight the winter coat. I have many nice blankets and hoods to protect her from the elements but what is the secret to a nice short winter coat. with out body shaving. thanks

Dear Emily.
I fear that you may be looking for an answer that doesn't exist. You can use lights to try and "fool" your horse's cycle but unless you have a FULLY heated barn and exercise arena- your horse will grow a winter coat no matter how many blankets you use. In fact- what you'll often end up with is a sweaty wet horse under all of those blankets. Unless the climate where you live is mild; my feeling is that if you are working your horse through the winter- your best bet is to body clip and then keep him warm with proper blanketing. Depending on climate and how warm your balnkets are; you may even have to re-clip later in the winter.
I wish there was an easier solution- but that's "mother nature."
Best wishes,
S. Evans