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itchy horse

21 9:32:01

Hello, I have an 8 year old gelding, mixed breed. He is a very itchy boy and finds anything to scratch on. I have put him on Hoffman's minerals, rice bran and canola oil. He scratches so hard he gets cut, I almost am afraid to take him out in public because it looks so bad. In particular he scratches his neck and bum. He is also on a regular worming schedule. Any help would be appreciated.


Have you had a vet look at him yet?  I can think of a couple of conditions that could cause this.  One would be a skin problem, anything from a fungal infection to skin mites. Once diagnosed, easily treated.  The other thing would be an allergic reaction to something.  This would require allergy testing which is simple to do.  Just a blood sample is needed.  In either case you need to get a vet involved to help him.  He's probably miserable, sure sounds like it from what you say.  You simply need to know what you are dealing with so you know what the appropriate treatment is.
