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Ex-racehorse scared of trails

21 9:47:17

I have an 8 year old TB mare. She is an ex-race horse who has mastered arena
work. When I started working with her she didn't know much else accept racing.
In the past year she has mastered ground poles and we have started her over
small fences. We have a great bond and she listens to both my voice and body
language while riding and on the ground.

I'd like to eventually take her out on trails but she completely flips out when
she leaves the safety of the fenced in areas. I've tried hand walking her on the
trails but she won't have any of it. She forgets that I'm their and freezes up
as though about to bolt. She won't even notice when I am speaking to her or
patting her.

What advise do you recommend to help her over come her fears of trails and lack
of fences?  

Hello Corey,

A riding buddy.  That will be the answer.  Find someone who has an older, experienced trail horse, and who is willing to ride with you as leader for as long as it takes for your mare to become accustomed to trails and open areas.  This is a tried and true method and it is the first thing I would try. It is my guess that she will follow the older horse wherever it goes.

If not, if she still balks, you will have to become the master and not let her get away with freezing.  Take her out on a trail or open space with a lunge line and an assistant with a lunge whip.  Encourage her to walk forward or in a circle...anything to get her to move.  If she freezes the assistant should touch her with the whip and dust her hocks if she does not move.  If she goes wild and panics, you have the lunge line to hold her.  But don't give up until she at least circles around you several times or walks in hand for a few hundred yards. When and if she moves forward, praise her, but don't pat her or talk softly to her if she is balking or freezing.  Right n ow she is maintaining control of the herd of must take control and out think her.  Try these two methods and I am sure one will work.

Happy riding,