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continured hives in horses

21 9:36:35

Can you recommend a treatment for continued hives when your suspect it has to do with digestion.  Have you had experience with accupuncture for digestive problems in horses?


Have you had him tested for allergies?  Hives are a very common indication of an allergy.  One hores I know gets them if fed carrots.  I had someone come to me looking for a hay her horse could eat because he tested positive to both timothy and orchard grass and didn't want to have to feed him alfalfa.  He got terrible hives if he got either of those types of hay.  Get the vet to pull a blood sample and send it off for allergy testing.  From what you said about having to do with digestion I assume he gets them when he eats whatever he's sensitive to.  Eliminate that and you should eliminate the hive problem.  

I've had my horses acupunctured numerous times but not for digestive problems.  I don't see why it couldn't be used but like I said above, I suspect food allergies.  A problem fairly easily addressed.

If the test is negative then you could look into the acupuncture.  Talk frankly and openly with the acupuncturist and hopefull you'll get an honest opinion as to whether it can help or not.

Good luck with this but I think your problem can be solved with allergy testing.
