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Lump on face

21 9:45:24

Hi Amanda, I have a thoroughbred 5yo and 6 mths ago a lump spontaneously appeared on the front of my horses face under his eye (sinus area). I have had the vet look at it and he thinks it is a bone lesion caused by lack of calcium while he was a foal and now that I have purchased him he may have hit it causing the lump to have appeared. Have you ever seen this condition before and do you know how to treat it. I am feeding him calcium suppliment under vets instruction but after 3mths no effect is apparent. Any help would be appreciated.

hi brigitte,
i have not seen this before. you can try putting DMSO on it. this helps with lumps, swelling, abcesses, and sists. you can get DMSO at any tack and supplies store. if it doesnt help call your vet and see if he has anyother information for you.
good luck. amanda groff