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Jealous Horse

21 9:47:03

I have a 5yr old TB mare (bunny).  She is a ex-racehorse and a wonderful horse...very sweet and great manners.  2 months ago I bought a 17yr old paint gelding (Hank) for my husband.  He is great, and the horses get along wonderfully except when I am handeling Hank.  If I ride him or groom him Bunny gets in the way and is pushy.  If I put her in her stall/paddock she rushes the fences, paws, kicks, bucks, rears etc.  I am afraid she will hurt herself.  She has gone through the electric fence once before.  She can even see Hank from her paddock and still she goes nuts.  What can I do to keep her calm and safe so I can work our new horse?

Dear Erica,
        Try giving them both attention at the same time for a while. Bunny is afraid that Hank is going to take her place, it is the same with children, if you have another baby and you already have an older child they may feel resentfull, like they are not going to be your baby anymore. Try to give them both attention so Bunny does not feel left out.