Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Frothing


21 9:45:31

My horse is a thoroughbred gelding who was bred to race, but was trained as a riding horse. When I put a bridle on him, he froths and dribbles at the mouth. He doesn't do this any other time, only when he has a bit in his mouth. I have seen other racehorses do this before but is it normal? Should I change his feed (he only eats grass and is turned out 3/4 of the day)? How do I stop it? Thanks

hi maisy. its normal. especially if you have a copper bit. it doesnt matter what the horse is bred to do or what breed it is. many horses foam at the bit. he could make more salyva because he plays with the bit or moves it around to much. to help keep the foam down though make sure you clean out any food in his mouth before putting the bit in by moving you finger around on his tongue. also dont let him eat with the bit. it doesnt matter what he eats, so just keep him on the same feed.good luck
amanda groff