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Herd Animals

21 10:01:59

When I ride with a buddy, sometimes she goes one way and my horse and i go another. If she speeds up and Monty(my horse) sees, he tries to go after her. If i hold him in, he sometimes rears slightly or does a little collected canter thing and resists when i try to pull him back. My instructer told me to work half of the ride without being by the other rider and the other half with or something. What do you suggest?

Another Question:
when i groom him, he sometimes fidgits and moves around alot. Usually when i pick his feet, mostly his rear ones, he hops to one side while i hold onto his other leg so i have to drop it so he wont fall over. How can i stop him from hopping and fidgiting. I know that some horses are tickelish but when i use firm strokes, he still fidgets. Also some horses associate grooming with riding. But lately i just groom him to keep him clean but he still fidgets.

Hi Tehryn;

Monty is behaving 'normally' for a herd animal.  He believes that his survival depends on the herd (that other horse) and so he tries to go with that other horse.  Your job as his owner is to become his 'leader' (not to be confused with 'boss') and thus he will depend on 'you' for his survival, not that of other horses and will be more willing to let you make the decisions and listen to you.

Spending more time alone with him and improving your relationship with him is something you should consider.

It sounds to me that Monty's skin and underlying muscles are sore and that's why he's fidgeting.  He's also having trouble balancing on three legs and that's why he hops.  Try holding his foot lower to the ground so he feels more secure.

Also, look into have a massage therapist and a chiropractor work on him.  The massages should help relieve the fidgeting and the chiropractic work will also help him feel better.

Best wishes!

Lana Reinhardt