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fracture of the elbow in a 4 month filly

21 9:36:30

i have a QH 4 month old filly and on the sunday night we had a big storm and one of our other fillies went through a fence too but the 4 month old filly has had x-rays and the vets up here say she has a fratured elbow and they recomend sugery but i don't won't to put here through all of that so do you think that it might heal just by leaving it or do you have any other suggestions because she is my baby and i don't want to put her down. she was locked up with her mother for a week but yesterday we weaned her she is in a stable and has been since she got hurt.

Not sure why people want to pull a baby off their mom so early.  Let her be with mom to reduce stress and maybe get back on the milk that will help her heal and grow.  I did not see xray, don't have enough info to say what to do on crack, but leave the baby with her mom.  I will never figure out where this started and why it continues.  There NO reason to pull a baby off mom for the first year, none.  I have heard all the excuses and reasons and they are all BS.  I am surprised that she ran through a fence from her mom, unless you pulled her from mom and then I would say you caused her to be scared and caused the injury.  Horses always pay for peoples mistakes.