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A Younger Horse

21 9:45:47

I bought a 4 year old Quarter Horse mare just a few days ago. She is very gentle and sweet, but she isn't broke to ride. My daughter said that she thought it was the perfect horse for her but she is just a beginner at riding. The fastest she can go on a horse is at a canter, and she has never experienced being bucked off. How long do you think it would take to train the horse so she can be ridden by my daughter?

Never if you try it yourself without a lot of reading and study on your part and your daughters.  This is a very dangerous situation you have.  Your daughter could be killed or seriously injured.  I do not suggest sending horses off to trainers, but sending your daughter and horse to a trainer would help both.

Read my web site to get a better understanding of horses, read a lot and get some horse books and magazines, you need to educate yourself on horses to stop something bad from happening.  This horse will be set up for failure if you try to do this like training a dog, they are very different and much more dangerous.
